Turn Your Existing Business Into New Business

BlueStar has taken the time to go through YOUR UNIQUE sales history for Zebra Technologies.  By doing so, we have been able to compile every opportunity that your company has for refreshing your customer base to the latest products and services from Zebra.  We will even share with you the exact PO Numbers used so you can access everything in your system relating to the original sale.
Your customers may still be using the very same, old devices that you once sold to them.  If you don’t move in to make sure they’re upgrading to the latest technology, you can bet someone else will be.  That’s where we want to help.
No matter what you focus on selling – mobile computers, scanners, printers, tablets, RFID, or even services & supplies – BlueStar and Zebra have you covered!

Click Here to Request Your Unique Refresh Opportunity Report

There's never been a better time to focus on upgrading your customers to the latest technology from Zebra than right now.  With a bevy of new releases over the past couple of years (spanning the entire product portfolio) along with the shift to Android becoming the Enterprise OS of choice, you have a better chance than ever before to give your customer a multitude of options and reasons to convince them to upgrade.

So, what can you expect from your unique "Refresh Opportunity Report" developed by BlueStar?

  • Your Historical Sales Data on ALL Zebra Products
  • Summary Tab that breaks down all of your End-Users, PO #'s, Original Products Sold + Quantity, Year Products Were Sold, and the Recommended Products for Refresh/Replacement/Upgrade
  • Raw Data Tab that lists over 34 different columns of vital information – for every single one of your transactions
  • Specific transactions identified for you to help you manage key upgrade opportunities. We’ve identified all of your:
      -1D Scanner Sales so you can lead the refresh opportunity with a 2D Imager.
      -2G/3G Mobile Device Sales so you can lead the refresh opportunity with an LTE-enabled Device.
      -Windows OS Device Sales so you can lead the refresh opportunity with an Android OS Device.
  • A list of recommended products to lead with when trying to refresh your customer's hardware, based on the products they were originally using.
  • A Product Upgrade Overview Chart that details the exact replacement item for older units, the features of the newer product, and applicable verticals.


Current Reseller Promotions

Current Reseller Promotions

  • Zebra and BlueStar are constantly building promotions and rebate programs that will help you become more competitive and drive more business to your bottom line, all while making it easier to refresh your customers to the latest products.  Whether you’re looking for specific product or vertical special pricing, or even potential cost savings directly for your end-user customers, Zebra has a promotion for you.
  • View the Current Promotions

End-User Rebate Trade-in Program – GO Zebra

End-User Rebate Trade-in Program – GO Zebra

Marketing Assistance from BlueStar

Marketing Assistance from BlueStar

  • We know time is money, and time isn't always on your side. That's why we can help free up some of your time by being an extension of your company's marketing efforts. Let BlueStar assist you by executing on a number of proven, successful marketing tactics that will bring qualified leads directly to you. Then, you can focus on doing what you do best: Selling.
  • Here is a list of just a few activities we can run on your behalf, at potentially NO COST to you (with approved funding from Zebra):
    • Full design and development of custom sales collateral your company can use for follow up.
    • Creation of unique e-mail blasts focusing on this refresh program (that can be sent out to your customers from you or from BlueStar on your behalf).
    • Digital advertisements in the form of banner ads placed around your website, or even through Search Engine Optimization that will send interested customers looking for Zebra products directly to your website.
    • Develop a landing page specifically for your company that offers information on this refresh initiative, Zebra products, value-adds that your company provides, and even a form for capturing lead generation.
    • Conduct a telemarketing call-out campaign to your customer list and drive opportunities for refresh back to your sales team.
    • And other unique, fully customizable, marketing campaigns that can be tailored to meet your specific business needs.
    • 100% BlueStar management of all projects and detailed reporting for every aspect of campaigns listed above, to give you clear understanding of the results.

Demo/Seed Units

  • If there is an opportunity for you to either take a product to demo for a customer visit, or you would like to see about keeping a product indefinitely for testing purposes, BlueStar can get you both demo units of Zebra product, as well as seed units you can keep – both at NO cost to you. Sometimes your customer needs to see, hold, and test the product in hand before they make the purchase, especially on larger opportunities. Let BlueStar provide these units to you in order to help speed up the sales cycle!
  • Subject to availability.

Service Contracts & Supplies

What better way to increase your margins and add recurring revenue streams than by attaching service contracts and supplies to your orders. Not only would you be first in line to continue to provide renewed services and supplies, but it could open up the door for new hardware opportunities as well (Refresh!). Your customers are going to be ordering supplies from somewhere, so it might as well be you! Especially if you're the one bringing them the hardware to begin with. While service contracts can be a little tougher sell, seeing how your customers don't need to order service in order to use their products, a small investment could potentially save them hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run, all while bringing them peace of mind knowing their operations are backed 100% if something went wrong. Plus, they would gain valuable business intelligence that they wouldn't be able to get on their own.

For more information on Zebra Service Contracts, visit our microsite:

Also, click the links below to download our FREE Service eBooks (2 Part Series):

The Great OS Migration

The Great OS Migration

  • From 2010-2016, over 15 million mobile computers were sold and deployed to enterprises across the country.  99% percent of those devices are on a Windows operating system that will no longer be supported starting in 2020.  With this great disruption in the channel, there presents many opportunities to help you customers refresh their technology to a current operating system like Android, with a guaranteed 10 year support structure in place.  Lucky for you (and your customers), Zebra leads the way in the number of Android mobile devices built for the enterprise, and even has Application Migration Services meant to help your customers make the switch to Android without having to re-write their entire applications from scratch!
  • To learn more about Zebra’s OS Migration strategy, their application migration services, and how they can help you refresh your customers’ old devices, visit our microsite: https://www.bluestarinc.com/us-en/manufacturers/manufacturer-microsites/zebra/os-migration-initiative.html
  • Learn more about Zebra’s partnership with Android devices: https://www.zebra.com/us/en/cpn/os-migration/explore-our-solutions/android-home.html

1D to 2D Migration

1D to 2D Migration

  • The shift from laser barcode scanners to 2D imagers has been underway for several years, but has now reached a tipping point. It's time for integrators and value-added resellers like yourself to take advantage of this opportunity to future-proof their businesses. Even for applications where the use of QR codes or 2D barcodes is not widespread, other factors are driving the transition to 2D imagers (ease of use, reliability, multi-code reading, etc.), and investing in new technology can help ensure the continued success of your business. Back in the late 2000's/early 2010's, 1D scanners were more prevalent in the channel; therefore, there is now a very high chance you can help your customers make the switch and refresh their technology to 2D imagers.
  • To learn more about Zebra's 2D imagers, visit our microsite: https://www.bluestarinc.com/us-en/manufacturers/manufacturer-microsites/zebra/the-future-of-data-capture-lies-in-2d-imagers.html
  • You can also download our FREE eBook on 2d Imagers

LTE Migration – the end of 2G/3G

LTE Migration – the end of 2G/3G

  • Verizon was the first US Carrier to formally announce that they will only commit to supporting 2G/3G through December 31, 2019. After December 31, 2019 they will begin taking down the network. Verizon is no longer activating Non-LTE devices and is already repurposing its assets for LTE. AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile are next to retire their 2G/3G networks.  Verizon's Announcement, combined with Microsoft's Announcement to End Support for its Windows Mobile & Embedded Compact Operating Systems presents a lucrative refresh opportunity and creates an even bigger sense of urgency for customers to upgrade their hardware and software to Zebra's Android LTE Portfolio.
  • For more information on the rise of LTE and how to migrate your customers, visit our site: https://connect.zebra.com/LTE

Download the OS & LTE Migration 1-Pager