25 feb 2021

Not all Kitchen Display Systems Are Created Equal

The kitchen display system (KDS) you select has a significant impact on the way your kitchen, and business operates. Logic Controls hardware and software solutions keeps kitchen operations running efficiently and minimizes downtime. Our portfolio covers the entire range of configurations any restaurant would need – from budget-friendly solutions to premium enterprise functionality.

All restaurants, whether they’re quick service or fine dining establishments, struggle with effectively communicating orders from the wait staff to the kitchen. Logic Controls created a native, iOS, and Android-based advanced KDS for restaurant owners looking to boost their business efficiency, reduce food waste, and save money.


Not Convinced Yet? Here’s What KitchenGo KDS Can Do for Your Business.

Reduce Waste, Increase Profits

KitchenGo software will improve your restaurant workflows by reducing paper, and food waste as well as improve communications between kitchen and wait staff, speed order fulfillment and ensure order accuracy for the ultimate customer experience.

Customer Engagement and Experience

Open the door for direct communication between your restaurant and customers by integrating direct SMS Text messages if a customer opts in directly to their phone. Let the customer know the status of their order and when it’s complete.


Better visibility = future growth and cost savings. Monitor stores in your city or around the globe. Customize analytics in real-time and even utilize reporting offline.