13 nov 2020

Ghost kitchens: Are they the future of a profitable business?

Location: United States and Canada

The Covid-19 Pandemic has introduced new ways to do business

Change is afoot in the hospitality landscape and its roots started before Covid-19.  Kitchens are becoming smarter, there’s a #futurekitchen on the horizon.  The Pandemic has accelerated the need for businesses to update their technology.  Since 2018, there has been over an 80% increase in delivery orders by consumers and is expected to double that number by 2022.  Ghost kitchens are a critical part of this new opportunity and it is predicted the ghost kitchen industry will reach $5 billion by 2025.

With the hospitality industry taking one of the hardest hits during the pandemic, restaurant owners are recognizing that moving their kitchens to a kitchen display system (KDS) is necessary to save money.  The traditional method of using printers in the kitchen presents serious issues that many businesses are discovering with the increase in delivery and take-out orders.  The cost of printer upkeep ie. paper, ribbons, etc., are just the beginning of the expense and issues.  Many in the restaurant industry are discovering they are losing an increasing amount of money in other areas as well because of this old technology.  Often tickets are misplaced or smudged, leading to food waste and a dissatisfying customer experience.  Another issue with using printers in the kitchen is there is no reporting to show many inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the kitchen.  Many business owners know there are issues, however, they can not pinpoint where they lie because there is no data to analyze and uncover those issues to identify a solution.

Kitchen Display Systems solve the shortcomings of the printer.  Logic Controls is a leader in the KDS industry for over 25 years offering touch and touchless KDS solutions. With our new KitchenGo KDS solution,  Logic Controls is revolutionizing kitchen operations with some of the biggest brands. With Windows, Android, and native iOS support,  KitchenGo features functionality like:

  • Order routing
  • Statistic reporting smart delivery service integration
  • SMS notifications
  • A full backoffice suite offering full kitchen performance analytics

The above features are just some of the features that are helping to turn old-outdated kitchens into efficient and profitable kitchens.

Kitchen Display Systems are the future kitchen, KitchenGo is the gold standard. With features that modernize the kitchen, is your business ready to increase revenue in these adverse times? With a low capital investment, the ROI will keep your business competitive and profitable.