23 oct. 2017

    Unlocking the Power of Internet of Things

    Whitepaper: Unlocking the Power of Internet of Things

    How can IoT help your business?

    Few people can fail to have heard of the Internet of Things (IoT), but many still struggle to understand how its true potential can be harnessed and applied in practical terms to derive genuine value, particularly in the business environment. In this white paper the Power of IoT will be unlocked.


    What can you expect from this whitepaper?

    SATO will explore how adopting an IoT world view can transform a business model from product-oriented to service-focused. As an example, we will demonstrate how the IoT is changing the role of the humble label printer from a peripheral product into a fully integrated component in the process and supply chain; and the enormous benefits that can be derived as a result.

    Writer: Eckhard Wernich
    Position: Business Development Executive

    You can access this whitepaper for free, please


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